Bears Custom Commercial playgrounds can be specifically tailored for ages 6-23 mos., 2-5, 5-12, or 2-12. Bears always recommends separate, age appropriate, structures for when possible.
The owner / operator is responsible for selecting the location of the playground. We can advise you, and provide you with drawings that show the proper safe “use zone” at your request, but the final choice is yours. Place equipment on level ground not less than 6’ and or twice the height of the swing set pivot point, from any structure or obstruction such as a fence, building, overhanging branches, or electrical wires.
WARNING: Installation over a hard surface such as concrete, asphalt, or packed earth could result in serious injury or death from falls. The owner / operator shall maintain the protective surfacing within the use zone of each play structure in accordance with specification F1292, appropriate for the fall height of each structure and specification F1951 where applicable.
The Property owner must prevent children from using the equipment until properly and completely installed with safety surfacing. Do not use this equipment until properly installed.
Close adult supervision for children of all ages is required. Instruct children to use the equipment properly.
WARNING: Make certain that the playground is clearly visible for proper supervision.
WARNING: Never allow a child to climb out onto a roof or any other surface not intended for climbing.
WARNING: All playground equipment and rubber safety surfacing may become hot enough to cause burns. Check for hot surfaces before allowing children to play. Children should wear appropriate shoes at all times. When possible place equipment under shade and face equipment such as slides to the North.
WARNING: Instruct children not to walk too close to, in front of, behind or between moving items.
WARNING: Instruct children not to twist swing chains or loop them over the top of the support bar since it may reduce the strength of the chain.
WARNING: Instruct children to avoid swinging empty seats.
WARNING: Teach children to sit in the center of swings with their full weight on the seats.
WARNING: Instruct children not to use the equipment in a manner other than intended.
WARNING: Instruct children not to get off equipment while it is in motion.
WARNING: Dress children appropriately (examples would include the use of well fitting shoes and avoid ponchos, scarves, hooded sweat shirts, draw strings and other loose fitting clothing that is potentially hazardous while using equipment).
WARNING: Never allow a child to wear a bicycle or any other type of helmet when using the playground. These can present a serious strangulation hazard to children.
WARNING: Instruct children not to climb when equipment is wet.
WARNING: Verify that suspended climbing ropes, chain or cable are secure at both end, or cable cannot be looped back on itself.
WARNING: Instruct children not to attach items to the playground equipment that are not specifically designed for use with the equipment, such as, but not limited to, jump ropes, clothes line, pet leashes, cables and chain as they may cause a strangulation hazard.
Cut off protruding bolts, smooth over all sharp points or edges, and close open “S” hooks. Check for openings.
Warning labels & signs shall be replaced by the owner / when they no longer meet legibility requirements. Call 1-877-807-7529 or write [email protected] for replacements.
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